Steady (Phlegmatic)

In Summation…

Phlegmatic people overall are quiet, gentle introverts who get pleasure out of pleasing others.

They are unassuming and intuitive individuals that prefer to live a worry-free, well-balanced life.

They are Submissive

Phlegmatics are careful not to behave as though they’re better than others. They are not only eager to please but also quick to concede rather than assert their own desires even when that is best in that situation.

Whenever possible, the phlegmatic will choose the path of least resistance as their strongest desire is that of peace and for all to get along. They are scared of conflict and will go out of their way to avoid or provoke it. When they do encounter a disagreement, they often become distressed and quick to find an escape.

Phlegmatic people are so against a conflict that they would claim to be wrong simply to defuse an argument. They rarely believe they know best and do not strive the be the winner in any hostile situation.

In terms of pre-established rules, they prefer to toe the line rather than rebel in any way as rebellion would feel uncomfortable. Rather than being the type to act first and think later, they’re more likely to be cautious about risky decisions. They never want to be a bother to other people so they choose to put others before themselves. This is not a result of a lack of confidence, rather, it’s due to a deep-rooted fear about asserting themselves or appearing nice.

Melancholics are quick to apologize for wrongdoings, often sacrificing their happiness to ensure the happiness of others. Additionally, they are very empathetic and consistently aware of others’ feelings with no desire to hurt them.

Melancholic types find it hard to say no and will go along with things they find unpleasant if only to ensure the happiness of others. Also, they are incredibly trustworthy and almost always keep their promises.

They are afraid of doing things wrong but are quick to blame themselves for mistakes, even if the fault of others caused them. They are far more supportive than they are critical.

They are Indecisive 

If entrusted to make a decision, the melancholic will feel upset and pressured. This is due to their inability to feel confident in a leadership role. In turn, they are natural followers and perform to their highest ability when given direction.

In terms of their language, they are quick to use uncertain phrases such as ‘maybe’ and ‘I think’. So, rather than saying “do X” they are likely to say “maybe you could do X”. Out of fear of saying or doing the wrong thing they’d prefer to say nothing at all.

When met with obstacles along a steady path, they will fumble around and hesitate in terms of knowing what to do. Rather than traveling through a situation, they will travel around it; their path is conveniently altered by others.

They are Calm

Phlegmatic people are introverted and enjoy their alone time. Unlike melancholics, however, they are far nicer, friendlier, and more social because they are less concerned with perfection and tend not to judge.

Even when a friend puts them in unsavory or abusive situations, phlegmatics stick with their friends through thick and thin. This is because they prefer to put others first, refusing to leave another when they want to just because the other person might not want them to leave.

Phlegmatic people are nearly immune to anger and will only snap following a long period of abuse. And even then, they are likely to withdraw inwards rather than hurt another. They prefer calm, predictable lives free of the unexpected. While they can be confident in familiar circumstances, the unknown can send them into a panic. They rarely seek thrills and enjoy a sense of ritual.

Phlegmatics are typically quiet and slow to share their inner thoughts for a fear of judgment or bothering others by droning out about themselves. However, they are great listeners who truly absorb their conversations with friends. They always pay attention and offer supportive feedback rather than criticism.

These individuals are not expressive emotionally and are more likely to express a mere smile or frown rather than whooping or crying. Their emotions tend to remain internal. To get motivation, they sometimes rely on others.

What is Their Role?

In the distant past, phlegmatic members of the pack were obedient people who often did work at the command of their superiors. While they may not typically stand out from the crowd, nothing would work without them. Today, this often describes cooks, cleaners, office workers, or white mages in the fantasy world.