Driven (Choleric)

In Summation…

Choleric individuals are the confident, outgoing, fiery types within our species.

They are brave and ambitious and always oriented towards the goals they deem important.

They are Assertive

Choleric people are natural-born leaders who find it easy to guide others. Oftentimes, they prefer to take control of the situations in which they find themselves, ultimately striving to be among the best.

While this isn’t to say they are all certain to reach the top wrung of the corporate ladder or become president of the United States–they do tend to take a leadership position in day-to-day interactions with others, sometimes bordering on one-upmanship.

In conversation, they use intentional and commanding language, presenting requests more like demands. For example, rather than “may I have a drink” they are more likely to say something like “get me a drink”. When approached by others who are dealing with issues, they likely use sayings like “get over it” or “toughen up”, often beginning sentences with words like “look”, “listen, buddy”, and other things such as that.

Ultimately, choleric people are careful to phrase things with confidence and absolute certainty. For instance, they are likely to definitively state that something is one way rather than making and taking suggestions.

They often approach their problems in a firm or forceful manner, believing firmly in tough love, and assisting others by challenging them much as they would do to themselves in such circumstances.

While the choleric thoroughly enjoys competition, they hate to lose. And when it comes to authority, to tend to take the road of defiance in an effort to be “top dog”.

Choleric people are quick to offer advice and guidance to others but are reluctant to accept it themselves, often believing they have a better solution.

They are Extroverted

Choleric types are extroverted in a way that they sometimes insert themselves in the affairs of others to speak their mind if they deem it necessary.

When approached with new situations they typically respond favorably and are always eager to discover new thrills in life.

Externally, choleric people need to prove themselves, always working to exemplify their strengths and talents. They find it necessary to state things ‘as they are’, rather than dancing around the subject. And when it comes to their opinions, they are known to state them bluntly as opposed to sugar-coating them.

Since cholerics are both prideful and always strive to express themselves freely, which can lead to a point of aggression if they feel as though they’re being challenged. To assert some sense of dominance, they often raise their voices in periods of anger.

Cholerics love to stand out in terms of the things they excel at and they like to make others aware of their talents as well, sometimes in a braggy manner.

They are pragmatic and choose to do what must be done instead of focusing on imaginary or hypothetical situations. They are not hesitant to mow down any obstacles in their way if it means reaching their goals (in a metaphorical sense).

They are Proud

Choleric individuals are confident in their opinions and what they believe to be true and are often hesitant to admit their flaws unless it’s for personal gain, saying things like, “I’m strong enough to admit I’m wrong. Are you?

They strive to gain the respect of those around them, choosing to hold grudges against those they see as rivals. On the other hand, choleric people are excellent, supportive friends who are willing to do what’s necessary to protect those that matter to them.

Their pride often makes it so that remain strong and courageous, even in the face of danger. And when they are afraid, they aren’t likely to admit to the fact.

Oftentimes (although not always), those with this temperament have high self-esteem and are quick to rise to the challenge to prove themselves. Sometimes this means looking for opportunities to do just that.

In many ways, cholerics are the opposite of phlegmatics in that they’re domineering and quick to spot conflict and deem it as competition.

While they possess similar traits as melancholics, including their stubbornness and opinionated nature, however, they are typically more forceful than the sensitive melancholic.

Choleric people strive for independence and view dependence as a weakness. They are typically thick-skinned and able to shake off the criticisms received from others.

What is Their Role?

In the distant past, our choleric ancestors were leaders, alphas, and commanders, asserting their dominance in any way necessary, including by force. When staring down the face of a challenge, they responded out of anger with the hopes of achieving intimidation and proving their strengths.

Today, cholerics are still commonly found in leadership roles, including that of managers, captains, politicians, team leaders, and the like (although not always). In fiction, they may appear as proud kings and warriors.